The Michaelmas festival takes place in late September and is observed as the “Festival of Courage.” Michaelmas falls near the autumn equinox, marking the end of the harvest and the summer. This shift marks a time of turning inward, a time of gathering strength to face the growing darkness.
Martinmas-Lantern Walk
The story of St. Martin is told in grades classrooms but in early childhood we focus more on the making of lanterns, our magical walk in the early evening and songs that we practice in our Circle. As we journey into the darkest time of the year, it is increasingly important for each of us to kindle warmth and light in our hearts.
Spiral Walk
Spiral walk is when the children traverse an evergreen spiral to light a candle from the source, deep within the center of the spiral. As we approach the darkest days of the year, we must search for that inner strength and light to sustain us through dark times.
May Faire
May Faire is a celebration of spring- filled with flowers and song. Children and adults have traditionally worn flowers when dancing around a May Pole and a potluck.
Moving up Ceremony
The Rainbow Bridge ceremony celebrates the transition made by students moving into Kindergarten. This celebrates the growth and readiness for the next chapter in their life.
Birthday Celebration
Birthday Celebrations in Waldorf education, celebrate the child’s journey and the light within them. Parents and family of the child are invited to come to honor this special day.